Virtual Backpack

Virtual Backpack is a place for Morton 709 families to receive flyers and other information from the district, schools, and community organizations. 


How do I submit a flyer?
All flyers must have approval. To get the flyer approved, please bring a hard copy of the flyer to Carolu Kizer at the district office, located at 1050 S. Fourth Ave. Morton, IL. 

Building Online Forms

Freshman Physical Form

All Freshman and new students must have a physical to enter school. Please use the Illinois State Physical form for this. A sport physical form will not be accepted for 9th grade physicals.

MHS Athletic Physical Form

IHSA-IESA Sport Physical Pre-Participation form.

MHS Bullying/School Safety Form

This form has been created to help provide a safe means of reporting a concern about school safety. It is designed to remain anonymous and it is encouraged that bystanders who hear or see a threat against school safety (this includes bullying and/or concerns about self-harm) report their observations so appropriate action can be taken. Anyone, including victims, may use this form to report concerns.

MHS College Appointment

Please fill out Limited Excused Form

MHS Limited Excused Absence

Complete the MHS Limited Excused Absence form and return to the Office of Students Services two days prior to planned absences. Teachers have the prerogative to require students to turn in assignments before leaving.

MHS Records Release

The MHS Record Release grants permission to release MHS records or secure records from another school or agency.

MHS Resource Person and Volunteer Request Form

MHS Sack Lunches Parent Order

Sack lunches are available for students to take on field trips.

MHS Withdrawl

Complete the MHS Withdrawl Form when withdrawing from the high school.

School Medication Authorization Form

All medications to be administered during school hours are to be kept in the office in the original container. A medication authorization form, which details the administration of the medications, must be signed by a parent. The required form is filed in the office. An asthma inhaler, which can be kept in a student's or teacher's possession, is the only exception, as indicated by the required medication authorization.

MCUSD709 School Calendar 24-25

Parent Organizations

MHS Athletic Booster

MHS Band Boosters

MHS Choral Boosters

MHS Orchestra Boosters


MHS Back to School Info

Medical Information

IPAD Agreement Form

Immunizations Required